Bioshock Infinite Burial At Sea Slots

This contains spoilers for BioShock Infinite and its Burial at Sea DLC.

Burial at Sea successfully shows us what Rapture was like when it was considered a utopia, a theme explored loosely in one section in the underwhelming BioShock 2. While it’s intriguing to see our iconic setting in such a new light, I was on the whole underwhelmed by its lack of dynamism and vigor. Main article: Burial at Sea - Episode 1 Booker DeWitt, a notorious gambler, often visited Sir-Prize. He is said to have lost Sally, the little orphan girl he had taken in off the street, while on a winning streak at the casino. BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea is a two-part single-player expansion to the first-person shooter video game BioShock Infinite.It was developed by Irrational Games and published by 2K Games for Linux, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and macOS platforms. BioShock Infinite does not touch upon the story of BioShock 2 except for a couple of Easter eggs in Burial at Sea. 2007 - BioShock. 2013 - BioShock Infinite. Burial at Sea Part One. Burial at Sea Part Two. I'm Very Impatient to Play Infinite. BioShock Infinite can also be played as a standalone game. Tonic Slots allow the player to equip passive Gene Tonics. Tonic slot upgrades allow the player to carry one more tonic per slot purchased. Main article: BioShock The player begins the game with two slots in each of the three track types. Each track's slots can be extended separately by purchasing different slot upgrades from Gatherer's Garden machines found during the exploration of Rapture.

Few games make my brain hurt as much as BioShock Infinite.

With last week’s release of Burial at Sea: Episode Two (for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC), developer Irrational Games completed its BioShock mythology. The downloadable add-on content takes place after the events of Infinite, putting heroes Booker and Elizabeth in Rapture, the underwater city from the original BioShock. Upon finishing it, I realized that Irrational stumped me not once, not twice, but three times: first with BioShock Infinite’s ending, then with the cliffhanger from Burial at Sea: Episode One, and now with the ending in Episode Two.

During my search for answers, I had to brush up a bit on BioShock history (you should, too, before reading any further) to understand how Irrational connected Infinite’s story back to the first game. Though some fans are happy with the ending, and others are visibly more upset, both camps continue to give their own interpretations of the story across forums, social media, and comment sections from around the Web.

Here are some of the best theories I found, ranging from the plausible to the fantastic. Hearing about them gave me a new appreciation of the story and its characters, and though Irrational’s time with that universe is over, it has given us enough material to sort through for at least a couple of decades.

Breaking the cycle of violence


One question that Elizabeth struggles with in Episode Two is why she bothered returning to Rapture at all. Though she never explicitly says it, her conversations with the imaginary Booker DeWitt, flashbacks with the Lutece twins, and her various black-and-white visions imply that she feels guilty for exploiting Sally in Episode One — going as far as turning up the heat inside the vents to lure her out — just so she could take revenge on the last Comstock.

YouTube user Noah Caldwell-Gervais explains this theory quite eloquently in the video above, where he examines how BioShock Infinite’s DLC ties back to the main story. Once Elizabeth accepted her fate, he says (starting at the 34:15 mark), “Elizabeth is finally free from guilt. Her debt paid in full. Burial at Sea isn’t about escape. It’s about ending the cycles of exploitation and violence that plague the DeWitts.”

I like this idea. In her quest of righting her father’s wrongs, Elizabeth succumbed to the same sins that Booker and Comstock committed. Booker sold his daughter, Anna, to pay off his gambling debts, hiding his shame at the bottom of a bottle. Comstock took Anna and imprisoned her in a tower, and he selfishly harnessed her special abilities for his own twisted schemes. And in Rapture, powerful men and women took advantage of young orphans, turning them into Little Sisters against their wills.

Arguably, Elizabeth became a part of that cycle the moment she kills Daisy Fitzroy in Infinite, a streak that continued when she stepped foot in Rapture. She already had an agenda: Get Comstock to remember who he was by threatening the life of a little girl he cares about. Sally was just a tool for her to use. Horrified by her behavior, she goes back to Rapture to repay her “debt” to Sally.

Above: Episode Two also showed just how evil Fontaine really is.

Elizabeth wanted to die

Some people thought that one of the reasons why Elizabeth sacrificed herself is because she has nothing left to live for. She killed her father (and “only friend”) so Comstock wouldn’t exist. Even though she had the power to travel to other worlds and possibly start a new life, she doesn’t go through with it. The only person she ever loved is Booker, hence the imaginary version that shows up in Episode Two.

Reddit poster Smartasm sums it up: “The circumstances [after BioShock Infinite] made it impossible for Elizabeth to have a normal life and to be happy. But she wasn’t some sort of deity — she was a normal girl with human emotions and desires. She didn’t want omniscience — she longed for simple human happiness, but she wasn’t destined to ever have it.”

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In a similar discussion thread, Oogity_Boogity_Boo adds, “She had the power to make things better for so many others, and she took it. I wouldn’t say that Elizabeth was ever happy, but I certainly think that, knowing how things were going to turn out for the best, she was satisfied.”

It’s a bleak way to look at Elizabeth’s life. But it makes sense when you consider how little she cared for herself during the lobotomy scene and her final encounter with Fontaine. If she did care about her well-being, she would’ve never returned to Rapture: With the ability to see through all of the “doors,” she would’ve seen her own death behind them. But she still decides to march down that dark hallway, knowing that her death will one day grant Sally, and the rest of the Little Sisters, their freedom.

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Bioshock Infinite, Burial at Sea, Irrational Games, Toy Story 2

I Like It ?

As a preface, let it be clarified that this is not a Burial at Sea review (too recent). It’s an article about the idea behind it.

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So I loved Infinite. Loved it to bits. They propose a season pass. Plenty of reasons to be wary of those, and people with more inside knowledge of the industry than me went on record bashing them. But as akin to a spin of the slots as a season pass is, I was warmed up to the idea almost exclusively by this :

If that doesn’t mean anything to you, simply know that it is worth every Euro or Dollar or whatever. Especially with Assault on Dragon Keep, which is quite possibly the best counter-argument to the “everything DLC is the devil” stance there is.

So when presented with the Bioshock Infinite Season Pass, I was equipped with the following knowledge :

One :
Like I said in part 2, the ending was…functional, legitimate even, but not ideal. It’s an open ending, one that ends with Elizabeth killing her own father for revenge, pretending it’s going to solve Comstock. That’s bleak. Effective, but bleak, and most importantly, it doesn’t bring any closure. Still, Infinite’s ending was there to stay. Content, however, was forthcoming. And indeed, narrative DLC was the obvious way to bring closure for Elizabeth, give Booker his much needed redemption, and, why not, give Songbird and Comstock some depth. All this, while leaving the original ending as is. It was elegant, ideal, and looked pretty fuck-up-proof.

Two :
Even if fuck-up there was, three DLCs were announced. Odds were in our favor.

Three :
If fucking Gearbox can make an amazing season pass, Irrational Games sure as hell can bloody do it.

So I made the purchase. Infinite was slated for three DLCs. First, it got what essentially amounts to a challenge mode. Okay, fine.
Dishonored got a challenge mode too, but then got a two-part narrative DLC that was, by all accounts, a definite improvement over the original.

And that’s what Irrational seemed to do. A two-part narrative DLC…but
for another game. With characters that have nothing to do with Infinite. Nothing. You can’t just change everything about a character, from their personality to their setting, and expect to fool me by calling it the same name. And with this, it was over. Infinite was cast aside. It was now clear.

Infinite, from the start, was never conceived as anything more than a foil for the awesomeness that was Bioshock. Not only Columbia was ruthlessly forced to retire, but its characters, the very soul of the game, got co-opted, turned into other characters entirely, undermining their whole fucking
point in Elizabeth’s case, and forced to dance in the trailers to allow Irrational to pretend that, no really people, this is Infinite DLC.

Guys, I…What’s the title of this blog again ?
l…Okay, no. I dislike every single goddamn thing about the existence of Burial at Sea. But don’t worry…I am still going to defend it.


Why ?

Because, in the end, it’s coherent. That’s what Infinite was always about. It’s a Bioshock game. It was never supposed to stand on its own. It was a playful aside, conceived from start to finish as an homage to Bioshock. That’s clearly what Irrational wanted. So…it’s fine. It really is.

I am not even going to bitch about the season pass thing. Sure, I paid money in advance and had expectations, but I wasn’t owed the DLC I wanted : I was owed
A DLC. Not as in one, but as in the existence of three pieces of content left to the indisputable appreciation of the creators. I got what I was owed, end of story. No hard feelings.

Plus, even if we consider that the existence itself of Burial at Sea is a shame…well,
I’m pretty sure it’s worthy of praise in and on itself. I mean I wouldn’t know – there’s nothing about it that makes me want to play it, and you will never force me to play a piece of entertainment. But I’m fairly sure that, if I hadn’t worked myself up into a corner by hotly anticipating a closing arc to Elizabeth’s tragic story, I would have enjoyed it okay. I mean, Rapture is still the best setting in video games history. I simply think it has its place.

Let’s answer the obvious question : Would I have done it better ? Short answer : Hell no. Long answer : Even if my ideas for a legitimate Infinite DLC (I have a whole file on it, basically it’s a non-shooty, multiple-endings stealth/strategy game where you play as Elizabeth escaping Columbia by herself) were good, and even if I even had the fucking right to pretend designing such a DLC, which I sure as hell don’t, I don’t have anything close to the manpower and willpower needed to make it real. A shmuck like me is never going to one-up a whole game studio.

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And I hope, I really do hope, that it didn’t bomb commercially. I don’t have the figures, (just a habit of checking the Steam top 100 sales pretty regularly and seeing both Burial at Sea episodes worryingly low on the scale) but, well. You know.

Is that what happened to you, Irrational ? Did Burial at Sea tank so much it canceled out Infinite’s success ? Man, if that’s what happened, I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that.

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So How does it suck ?

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It just feels so fucking wrong.